In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful....

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful....


This is a journal of my experience in life as as a Muslim convert. I share about the things I learn, question, reflect upon, achieve, and experience on the path of Islam. [96:1-5] Read! In the name of your Lord who created - Created the human from something which clings. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful - He who taught (the use of) the Pen, Taught the human that which he knew not.

About Maryam

I study Islamic Studies and International Business at the university, and enjoy studying political science and languages as well. On my free time I study Arabic, Hebrew, and religion. I am Guatemalan and American.I am also Spanish, Italian Scottish and German. I also speak Spanish, Japanese, and Italian. I love to learn about other cultures. I also love to learn about nutrition and fitness. I am very active in sports, outdoor activities and exercise, and flamenco dance class. I am fascinated with my country, Guatemala, it is such a beautiful place, full of variety and rich culture and history, especially the Maya. I LOVE to cook and I try to have a well-balanced diet. Someday I also hope to learn Amharic, Persian (Farsi), and Aramaic and I hope to travel to all of the middle east and Ethiopia, Japan, and Sicily.

Knowledge and Understanding

[2:269] He [Allah] grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted indeed receives a benefit overflowing. But none will grasp the Message except men of understanding.
[20:114] High above all is Allah, the King, the Truth. Do not be in haste with the Qur'an before its revelation to you is completed, but say, "O my Sustainer! Increase my knowledge."
[3:190-191] Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day - there are indeed signs for men of understanding; Men who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the creation of the heavens and the earth (with the thought) "Our Lord! Not for nothing have You created (all) this. Glory to You! Give us salvation from the suffering of the Fire."
[39:9] ...Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that remember (Allah's Message).
[58:11] ...Allah will raise up to (suitable) ranks (and degrees) those of you who believe and who have been granted knowledge.

Sheikh Mishary Al Afasy

He came to my mosque in the USA to recite from the Qur'an recently and when he prayed salat he cried. My first time to pray the late night prayer during Ramadan was when I went to Kuwait in the Grand Mosque and Mishary was reciting Surat Maryam! Sub7anAllah... Here is a video of nasheed (Islamic poetry) from him. He has been blessed with a beautiful voice for praising Allah, masha' Allah. You can see some of his recitations of the Qur'an at my mosque at this site -

Friday, November 24, 2006

Halal Food

"2salam wa 3laikoum." I always knew, even before knowing much at all about Islam and Muslims, that at least part of this commonly used phrase among muslims meant "peace." Salam, in many forms is used in many cultures. I also connected it with the Hebrew word "Shalom." They sound very similar. Anyway, as for asalam wa alaikoum, I felt I should learn exactly what it means since it is coming out of my mouth and so that I can explain it well when people ask me about it.

"Assalamu alaikoum" is an Arabic phrase that literally means, "peace be with you."

"Assalamu alaikoum" is a Muslim greeting. Muslims of all nationalities, whether they speak Arabic or not, say "Assalamu alaikoum" when they meet and again when they depart. It is a way of showing respect to a Muslim brother or sister and of wishing them well. The response is, "Wa alaikoum asalam," meaning, "And peace be with you."

With that cleared up, I just want to share a little bit about how my day went before I go to sleep. Today was Thanksgiving in the United States. This is a day to reflect on what we are thankful for and a memorial of the first people who came to colonize the United States, the pilgrims. It was my first Thanksgiving cooking the turkey myself. In the past on this holiday I was either in a country that did not celebrate this day or I was celebrating it with all my family and my grandma was making the big dinner. It is tradition to have a turkey dinner on this day.

Today was extra special for me, not only because it was my first time making a thanksgiving dinner myself, but also because I had a Halal turkey! I didn't know if that would be easy to find, but a friend of mine found one and brought it over for me to cook. It turned out so delicious! I made that with mashed potatoes, vegetables, homemade croissants, gravy sauce, cranberry sauce, and lots of different kinds of desserts. I am trying my best to only eat meats that have been killed according to religious doctrine. I have been eating only Halal meat for almost a year now. At first it was hard not to get a burger at McDonald's, or eat at any restaurant, but I am very happy that I can be disciplined with this now. I even feel healthier now, alhamdulillah.

Halal is the word for what is permissible according to the Shari'ah, which is Islamic law. Judaism also has a term for what is permissible for their food as well, which is Kosher. They are different, but hold some similarities as well. As for the meat, both the Jewish and Muslim religions demand that slaughter is carried out with a single cut to the throat, rather than the more widespread method of stunning with a bolt into the head before slaughter. T
he brain is instantaneously starved of blood and there is no time to start feeling any pain.

The Quran teaches that God is extremely
displeased with those who prohibit anything that was not specifically prohibited in the Quran, See 16:112-116. If you worship God Alone, you will uphold His teachings ALONE and honor the commandments and prohibitions instituted by HIM ALONE.
God very clearly mentioned in the Quran what is prohibited in regards to food and meat. See 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and16:115. From these verses you can know what is Halal (lawful) meat and what is haram (prohibited).

"He only prohibits for you the eating of animals that die
of themselves (without human interference), blood, the
meat of pigs, and animals dedicated to other than GOD. If
one is forced (to eat these), without being malicious or
deliberate, he incurs no sin. GOD is Forgiver, Most
Merciful." [2:173]

You do not need to guess hard to understand the MERCY of the MOST merciful. Allah knows many Muslims will live in the middle of Christians and Jews and will be sharing their food and for this reason God told the Prophet Mohammad more than 1400 years ago, the following;

"Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scripture (Jews & Christians) is LAWFUL (HALAL) for you......" 5:5

These verses were revealed at a time when Allah already told us that the people of the scripture distorted their books. God Almighty has also specified a very important criteria for His true believers, MENTION ALLAH'S NAME on everything you are going to eat. See 5:4, & 6:118-119,

"You shall eat from that upon which God's name has been pronounced, if you truly believe in His revelation." 6:118

"Why should you NOT eat from that upon which God's name has been mentioned ? He has DETAILED for you what is prohibited for you, unless you are forced. Indeed, many people mislead others with their personal opinions, without knowledge. Your Lord is fully aware of the transgressors." 6:119

Allah in these verses puts the responsibility, as usual, on the individual. It is you , I and everyone's responsibility to mention God's name on everything we eat. Notice here that God says "EAT" and not "SLAUGHTER" when it comes to mentioning His name.

[16:116] You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is

lawful, and this is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD.
Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD will never

[10:59] Say, "Did you note how GOD sends down to you all kinds of
provisions, then you render some of them unlawful, and some lawful?"
Say, "Did GOD give you permission to do this? Or, do you fabricate lies
and attribute them to GOD?"

[5:87] O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made
lawful by GOD, and do not aggress; GOD dislikes the aggressors.
[5:88] And eat from the good and lawful things that GOD has provided
for you. You shall reverence GOD, in whom you are believers.

I guess the bottom line for this post is that I think it is so important to know the word of Allah. As a Christian, I always tried to write the words of the bible on my heart so that everything I did or received would be based on or connected to the word. I think it is important to always find a base for things out of the holy word, not just take what people say at face value. As I am new to Islam, many people tell me many things for the most part with great intentions, but without a base in the Qur'an or its supporting word. It is my responsibility to search for the base in the Qur'an, which is why I looked in the Qur'an for references to Halal food.

1 comment:

سعاد said...

may Allah bless you

انا لله وإنا اليه راجعون

اللهم ابدله دارا خيرا من داره واهلا خيرا من اهله وادخله الجنة واعذه من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار .
اللـهـم عاملة بما انت اهله ولا تعامله بما هو اهله .
اللـهـم اجزه عن الاحسان إحسانا وعن الأساءة عفواً وغفراناً.
اللـهـم إن كان محسناً فزد من حسناته , وإن كان مسيئاً فتجاوز عن سيئاته .
اللـهـم ادخله الجنة من غير مناقشة حساب ولا سابقة عذاب .
اللـهـم اّنسه في وحدته وفي وحشته وفي غربته.
اللـهـم انزله منزلاً مباركا وانت خير المنزلين .
اللـهـم انزله منازل الصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن اولئك رفيقا .
اللـهـم اجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة ,ولا تجعله حفرة من حفر النار .
اللـهـم افسح له في قبره مد بصره وافرش قبره من فراش الجنة .
اللـهـم اعذه من عذاب القبر ,وجاف ِالارض عن جنبيها .
اللـهـم املأ قبره بالرضا والنور والفسحة والسرور.
اللـهـم إنه فى ذمتك وحبل جوارك فقه فتنة الفبر وعذاب النار , وانت أهل الوفاء والحق فاغفر له وارحمه انك انت الغفور الرحيم.
اللـهـم انه عبدك وابن عبدك خرج من الدنيا وسعته ومحبوبيه وأحبائه إلي ظلمة القبر وماهو لاقته .
اللـهـم انه كان يشهد أنك لا إله الا انت وأن محمداً عبدك ورسولك وانت اعلم به.
اللهم ثبته عند السؤال
اللهم انا نتوسل بك اليك ونقسم بك عليك ان ترحمه ولا تعذبه
اللـهـم انه نَزَل بك وأنت خير منزول به واصبح فقير الي رحمتك وأنت غني عن عذابه .
اللـهـم اّته برحمتك ورضاك وقه فتنه القبر وعذابه و أّته برحمتك الامن من عذابك حتي تبعثه إلي جنتك يا أرحم الراحمين .
اللـهـم انقله من مواطن الدود وضيق اللحود إلي جنات الخلود .
اللـهـم إحمه تحت الارض واستره يوم العرض ولا تخزه يوم يبعثون "يوم لا ينفع مال ولا بنون إالا من أتي الله بقلب سليم"
اللـهـم يمن كتابه ويسر حسابه وثقل بالحسنات ميزانه وثبت علي الصراط اقدامه واسكنه في اعلي الجنات بجوار حبيبك ومصطفاك (صلي الله عليه وسلم) .
اللـهـم اّمنه من فزع يوم القيامة ومن هول يوم القيامة وأجعل نفسه أّمنة مطمئنة ولقنه حجته .
اللـهـم اجعله في بطن القبر مطمئن وعند قيام الاشهاد أمن وبجود رضوانك واثق وإلي أعلي درجاتك سابق .
اللـهـم اجعل عن يمينه نوراً حتي تبعثه اّمنً مطمئن في نور من نورك .
اللـهـم انظر اليه نظرة رضا فإن من تنظر إليه نظرة رضا لا تعذبه ابداً
اللـهـم أسكنه فسيح الجنان واغفر له يارحمن وارحم يارحيم وتجاوز عما تعلم ياعليم