Salam! I'm finally in Kuwait. I have been here for a couple days now. Everything is good. Kul shey tamam, alhamdulEllah. I had missed my flight in Jordan, but the flight I got on was great because I was sitting next to Doctor Suleman Shoyty a professor of Islamic Studies at Kuwait University. We had a great conversation after he had noticed I was studying Arabic on the flight. He helped me with it, it was a lot of fun. He gave me the number of a lady named Sofia who also works for Kuwait University and knows a lot about Islam. He and I got along very well and he told me he has daughters also studying Islamic Studies at KU. I hope to meet them sometime too.
After the nice plane ride, I felt my first experience with the heat of Kuwait. It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I actually felt an emotional response to it, just happiness and astonishment I was actually here. Then I had to go get my visa which took like 3 and half hours because of a problem with their systems. My plane to Kuwait was also delayed like 3 hours too. But I was too happy to feel annoyed with anything. It was so cool to see all the people walking around in their dishdasha. The dishsasha is the white robes and head covers the men wear in the gulf. It is sooo cool. I saw two men walk past me in white dishdasha and each holding a REAL falcon!!! It was soooooooo awesome!! I LOVE falcons. When the man handed me my visa, I was sooooo happy to have it, that I just took the visa and passport and left behind my wallet and everything else in my hands! I went downstairs to go through immigration and to get my baggage when I realized I had left everything behind. The security had no problem letting me back through, everyone was so nice.
Then I finally left the airport and headed for my apartment. My roommate was already there when I arrived. Her name is Kara. She is also American but studied for a year in Lebanon. She is very laid back and nice. We get along well alahmdulEllah. The apartment is spacious and nice and has everything we need. The only bad part about it is the location. It is a bit far from school to walk so we will have to find a driver if we stay here. A friend already offered me to stay with her but I can't leave my roommate but that is fine. It is nice to have this place and we can also help each other out.
The first few days I was exhausted from my travels before and had a bad cold. But I am doing better now. AlhamdulEllah. I slept a lot the first few days too. But the first day we arrived we went straight to the supermarket and realized that Kuwait food is not as cheap as people had been telling us. Yikes!!!!!! It was pretty expensive. We put a definite dent in our pockets from the very first trip. But we are still just learning about things so it's okay.
Another lesson was the taxi drivers. They take a bit getting used to. I got proposed to on a five minute long taxi ride at one point. My friend got stalked by a guy and I guess it is typical for men to follow women home here. Strange. But in general nothing dangerous. We just have to take care and be smart and try to understand we are in another culture. It is fun and people are very nice for the most part. I am very happy here so far.
My friend and I went to Marina Mall the other day. This was the most popular place for Kuwaitis for a while until Avenues mall opened. It is very nice. The marina is absolutely beautiful. There are many good stores like Zara and such. I had a cinabon while I was there too, yummy! It is cool to hear the Azan, the call to salat everywhere I go, even within the mall. It was prayer time when I was there and there is even a mosque inside the mall in addition to prayer rooms. I remember the first time I heard the call to salat in the middle east was in the old city in Jerusalem. That was an incredible feeling. Masha Allah.
The next day my friend who also attends University of Washington, May, picked us up and took us to the Chocolate Bar. It was sooooooo good. We had dinner there and then shared chocolate fondue!!! MmmmmmM!!! She taught us a lot about Kuwaiti culture. She is a sweetheart. She is going back to the states on the 24th but I hope we can hang out again maybe to attend Taraweeh in the grand mosque insha Allah before she goes. She is going to tell us where we can find good dura3as. This is the traditional dress for Ramadan. My other friend Fatima invited me to the mosque with her but her grandmother fell ill today so she had to cancel. May Allah bring her health and peace.
Today was the first day of Ramadan. This morning I went to my university here and paid my tuition. I really love my school. It looks like it will be a lot of fun insha Allah. Then I went to another supermarket I like much more than the one I went to the first day. It is called Sultan Market. It's a lot like an American supermarket plus a Target in one. Then I went back home and rested since I still have a cold. I fasted anyway though because I was so happy to be fasting for the first time in a middle east country where EVERYONE pretty much fasts during Ramadan. Very different in that aspect from the states. I made mansaf for iftar dinner. It turned out pretty good alhamdulEllah.
I love hearing the athan every day and there is a good mosque next to my apartment so that is also great. AlhamdulEllah. On our satellite tv there is a channel just for Alafasy. That is awesome. He even teaches tajweed on it to the kids. I watch and try to follow along. Well, I just wanted to get caught up on my blogs. I will be writing more about Ramadan next time insha Allah. m3 alsalama
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